Tag: Jfashion


Con-Nichiwa 2019 J-Fashion Show

The 2019 J-Fashion Show at Con-Nichiwa was an exciting event that showcased the latest trends in Japanese fashion. From elegant...

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Saboten Con 2018 J- Fashion Show

Artery EGL Artery EGL creates designs based on  the Yami Kawaii movement , also called menhera. Menhera works to destigmatize Mental Health through representation and visibility. Their work is found in the vendors hall this year where they sell their designs and illustrations as well as accessories. Laurel – Embrace Your Needs Lavender – Intense …

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J-Fashion Show – Con-Nichiwa 2018

The annual J-Fashion show at Con-Nichiwa is a place where anyone can work the cat-walk. Fashions can be handmade, purchased or from a local designer all they ask is you bring your style. After a bit of heckling of the MC the show began, for the small but enthusiastic crowd.

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