Written by 10:31 am Runway

Duane Topping

PHXFW19-3 Duane Topping

Duane retired from the US Army in 2012, and found himself struggling with PTSD. In 2016, with the support of his wife, Jamie, he found a path out of the darkness. Designing Clothes represented the flames of the Phoenix, and a new life was reborn.   Each piece gives YOU a voice to break down the walls, created so you can relabel yourself.  Their goal is for you to find your light!
Duane’s approach to clothing combines smart styling with a touch of an adventurous attitude.  The diversity of a woman’s body, is the focus of his designs with the allure of feminine grace.  Duane has since evolved his unique style to help you rediscover your power and create a new beginning out of the ashes.
Featured on runways during NYFW, Denver Fashion Week, Baltimore Fashion Week, San Diego Fashion Fest and Kansas City Fashion Week, Duane has shown nationwide since beginning his journey. He has been published in Vogue, Shuba, and Pump Magazines as well as local Denver Magazines. Duane gave a talk with TEDx Milehigh and had a feature story on NPR, local and national news, Kansas City Live, and The Daily Blast Live.

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